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Snack Nest

Written By Unknown on среда, 18 февраля 2015 г. | 08:44

When I'm waiting for the guests, always try to cook something new and interesting. Recipe "Gnezdyshek" (still referred Vol au vent) simple design - the original. Snack suitable for any aperitif.
If you want to cook this dish for children, easy to change the filling for dessert. I am sure that they really liked the design and they are not averse to taste delicious' nests with eggs. "
I hope you enjoy my appetizer offered.

We need:

Puff pastry - 400g

egg - 4 pcs.
Cheese - 50 g
crab meat - 350 g
vegetable oil for frying
Salt to taste

Method of preparation.

We start with the preparation of meat, from which we sculpt testicles for "gnezdyshek."
Crab meat grind.
Pour into a deep container.
Any cheese Grate. Connect with crabmeat.
Boil 3 eggs. Give cool.
Then purify and mash with a fork.
Send to a container for stuffing. Season with salt to taste. Fill a little mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.
Consistency should not be liquid, otherwise you will not be able to roll the balls.
Stuffing is ready. Kata small balls, put on a plate and send in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
We now turn to the production of "nests".
Roll out the puff pastry into the formation. Glass or round cookie cutter cut a circle the size of 4-6 cm in diameter.
Number of received lozenges are divided into 2 equal parts. One of which was laid on oiled baking.
Beat one egg and lubricate the edge of the circles.
The other half of the cakes and a glass, but smaller in diameter, cut out the middle.
Then these rings are placed on top of the circles on a baking sheet greased so that their edges are aligned. Volovanov lubricates the surface of the egg.
Bake in a hot oven to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When the "nest" acquired a beautiful golden color, take out.
Tip: baked until hot, it can be a little and gently press in the middle, to deepen as it were, so you will add more shape and smooth to the testicle is not excluded.
Give cool.
Then spread on a flat dish.
At the bottom of each "well" put a rolled up balls of minced crab.
Snack "nest" with eggs ready. Enjoy your meal.

About Unknown

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