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Puff pastry tarts with mushrooms and minced meat

Written By Unknown on среда, 18 февраля 2015 г. | 09:04

Today I want to offer you a recipe for baskets that are perfect for the holiday table, or as a snack for a picnic in the countryside.
I love mushrooms and different dishes from them. And in combination with meat, and even in flavored puff pastry turns out delicious!

Ingredients for cooking:
- Minced meat - 300-400 g
- Fresh mushrooms - 500 g
- Onions - 3-4 pieces.
- Sour cream - 15% fat - 200 g
- Flaky dough without yeast (1 package) - 500 g

- Cheese (solid or cream) - 300 g
- Vegetable oil for frying

Actually, I want to say that the amount of mushrooms, minced meat, cheese depends on your tastes. I used to cook on the basis of my mother, "everything and more." So that the number of ingredients can be adjusted to your liking.

First, prepare the stuffing for baskets.

1.Moem and clear of all superfluous mushrooms. I take mushrooms.
2. We cut the mushrooms into small cubes.
3.Chistim onions. 3-4 bulbs is enough.
4. We cut the onion into small cubes.
5. Fry the chopped mushrooms in vegetable oil. They allocate a lot of liquid and start uzharivatsya, significantly decreasing in size.
6. When the liquid becomes smaller (about 10 minutes), add the onions, stir. Continue to cook over medium heat.
7. The liquid remains quite small - you can add sour cream.
8. Put out the mushrooms until tender little, add salt.
9. For other pans to prepare the stuffing. I Torsion pork and beef, pig-won ground beef. Can be taken only pork.
10. Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil until tender, a little salt the, if you like, you can lightly pepper.
11. Stir fried mushrooms and minced.
12. The filling our baskets ready.
Let us test.
13. Take ready puff dough without yeast. In one two layers of packaging. This will be enough.
14. Roll out of each reservoir thin cake (approximately 5 mm).
15. Any circular shape cut out circles. I have a diameter of the lid, which I used was 11 cm, and the diameter of the widest part of the upper molds, which will lay out the dough, 6 cm. Ie approximately doubled.
16. get this so thin tortillas.
17. We spread the batter into molds, making baskets, crushing them slightly outwards.
18. At the bottom of the baskets put a little grated cheese.
19.Teper spread the stuffing of mushrooms and minced meat. Fill baskets brim.
20. over again sprinkle with grated cheese.
20. Put the mold bake in a preheated 200 degree oven until browning test, about 30 minutes on top zapechetsya Cheese, formed a crust.
These are beautiful, delicious and hearty baskets are obtained. A few days ago I was preparing them for the birthday of his daughter. Guests will appreciate the dish perfectly!
Try it and you! Bon Appetite!

About Unknown

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