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Meat patties Drifts

Written By Unknown on понедельник, 9 февраля 2015 г. | 23:14

Although the end of January and I visited the thought that it would be desirable in the spring, now, in the penultimate winter day, I felt a little sorry. Here I remembered more neisprobovanny recipe called "Drifts".

Although ... I'm sure such a big burger stuffed with will be a welcome treat completely at any time of the year!

So, for the preparation of "Sugrobov" need the following ingredients:

- 700 grams of beef (only pulp)
- 350-400 g of any mushrooms
- 3 medium potatoes
- 2 onions
- 150 grams of cheese
- Mayonnaise
- salt
- Spices (I took the 5 types of peppers: sweet, white, pink, green, black and coriander)
- Vegetable oil for greasing form

Rinse well with beef, cut into pieces. Onion peel and cut into quarters.
Meat with onion twice to scroll through a meat grinder.
Add salt, ground spices are all here.
Mix well minced and divided into 6 approximately equal parts. Each rolled the ball and stretch then cake, laid out in the form of (her oiled).
Now all fungi. You can take what you want, for example, mushrooms, honey, podberёzoviki, and in any form - fried, stewed, boiled, pickled. I used mushrooms from domestic preparations. I left half of the 700-gram jar. Grind them and posted on the stuffing.
Potatoes are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater (crude). Laid out on top of a layer of mushrooms.
On it - mayonnaise (number of regulated optional).
A top priporoshit cheese, grated on a coarse grater. I had two different slices of cheese, so far 2 "snowdrift" I yellower the other four))
Bake for 40-45 minutes at a temperature in the oven 180-190'C.
One such "snowdrift" is enough for a full lunch or dinner.
In my opinion, this is an excellent choice for any holiday. Indeed, in those days, we want to make something beautiful, but complex dishes often lack the time, because need to provide more and salad, dessert, and so on.
Bon Appetite!Have a nice day !

About Unknown

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