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Apples in caramel "Passes ping"

Written By Unknown on среда, 18 февраля 2015 г. | 21:52

Here I am often attracted Chinese cuisine, all wanted to cook something "such things", but there is always some reason the list of products for the dishes introduced me to the "stupor". Mostly just scared names, which I did not know, and run to the shops in search of food, which I do not know and have never seen ... somehow not particularly inspiring.
But now I finally got retseptik where everything was transparent and clear you are no catchphrases that it is difficult to say happened, and the products are in almost every home. So our family went unusual dessert Chinese cuisine "Passes ping", everything seems to be simple and banal at first glance, but at the same time you will find a very unusual taste, believe me: a pleasant combination of tart apple scented caramel and sesame.
First made me desertik disappeared "from the face of the Earth" for some 15 minutes, here too pleased all: and the child who and so can not without the sweet and meat lovers, in the face of her husband: that's that, and that's a sweet husband eats very rare, and this issue fits very selective.
Another plus to this desertiku - minimum cost and time. If "guests on the threshold", and you as an evil was not something sweet tea, this dish can be your shelf wand, and you can bet good reviews and complement you can not avoid.

For the preparation we need:

- Sunflower oil / olive
- Apples tart - 2 pcs. (Another not unimportant factor, apples should be plump to hold form and not turned into mashed potatoes during cooking)
- Egg - 1 pc.
- Flour
- Sugar - 150-200 g
- Sesame
- Vanilla (not required, but it is much more fragrant)

Apples need to wash, peel and serdtsevinok, cut into slices, it is better to 8 pieces, dipped in flour.
Yet leave our apples and knead batter: 1 egg 2-3 tbsp flour water.
consistency should get as liquid cream, dip back our segments, their good there "bathe".
In theory everything should be done in deep fat, but alas ... so the oil in a pan and go! Fry until golden brown.
Spread on paper towels to remove excess oil, I also dabbed horoshenechko all, well, I do not like a lot of fat, and health is not very useful.
In the meantime, do caramel, the main thing not to miss and do not burn it, so watch out for this business. Pour a drop of olive oil on a hot skillet. In general prescription, sesame oil, but I did not have, so dripped what happened. Pour sugar.
Once the sugar has melted, add the sesame seeds, then focus on personal tastes, someone needs many, someone spoon tea will be enough. I also want to say that if you suddenly did not have sesame, you can use nuts or poppy experiments always have a place in cooking.
A little advice: caramel better to drown in a small shovels. Firstly, it is convenient to dip, secondly, caramel hardens so quickly.
Fire minimum and do a quick dip our fruits.
That's what we get:
Now you can enjoy. Eat apples dipped in the pre-cold water (can be iced) not to burn the caramel, with caramel cold and crisp and apple inside another cushy, very unusual!


About Unknown

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