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Chicken soufflé (for children from 1 year)

Written By Unknown on вторник, 17 февраля 2015 г. | 19:18

Inspired by a recipe for fish souffle E, which I recently shared with you, I decided to treat this time sonny chicken souffle. Cooking technique he is a little different. Vary as the ingredients and that the chicken, unlike fish kneaded soufflé longer damp and boiled.
But the fact that the dish again went "bang", this recipe in common with the past. Just specify that this food is not necessarily cook in batches, as I have in the recipe. You can make one large soufflé.
Also it can not bake in the oven, and cook for a couple. In general, the options - a lot. You can improvise endlessly.

For the preparation of 6 servings of chicken souffle (in finished form each - about 70 g) need the following ingredients:
500 g raw chicken (from which in the end will turn out about 300 g of boiled meat)
1 tbsp. Spoon softened butter, plus a little oil to lubricate molds
2 eggs
2-3 tbsp. tablespoons flour
100ml milk
pinch of salt

Chicken fillet boil in salted water until cooked (I have it took about 40 minutes).
Skip slightly cooled down fillets through a meat grinder, preferably twice.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Introduce the yolks and butter in the resulting mince and stir.
Add the flour and mix again.
Add the milk, mix well.
Chilled, beat whites with a pinch of salt until stable peaks.
Introduce the beaten egg whites into the chicken mass and mix gently. Silicone molds lubricated with oil and lay them in the future souffle, filling not completely, but two-thirds.
Bake a souffle in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.
Ready souffle give cool slightly, remove it from the molds and enjoy the gentle, useful and nutritious dish.
Bon Appetite!


About Unknown

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